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GovernERP Budgeting Module


Budgets are unique in government. A budget is a legal document that serves as spending authorization to an agency. In most cases it positively limits spending by its expense and fund categories.

The budget process often starts at the top with an advise document offering guidence as to a total amount that will be acceptable or for specific program funding requirements. Then the budget is sent to the agency and from there to its various departments serving as a starting point in developing a specific budget per unit/program. There is a dynamic aspect to budget development with a clear need for multiple versions of multiple sections to an agency's spending that can be mixed and matched until a fit is found.

We feel we need to capture this budget development process or workflow -- it is not enough to just have a place to store the end result and report on actual versus budget that defines the budget functionality of many commercial-off-the-shelf, COTS, applications.

Again, much more to come soon. This module along with Core will be first up in development.

Last Modified Feb 22, 2009 - 09:26 PM