GovernERP Project - Getting Involved
GovernERP Needs You!
Like all Open Source projects, we need the help of developers who have an itch that they need to scratch. Specifically, Java developers.
GovernERP Project will need the participation of potential user organizations to help guide our efforts and to, hopefully, provide the needed developers mentioned above.
In the not too distant future, our project will require an application server environment firstly as an integration test bed and ultimately as a demonstration environment. At this time, February 2009, we have nothing of interest to an end-user to demonstrate, but that will change soon enough.
What's In It For You?
Fame, riches, just kidding. In reality the main take-ways are knowledge and satisfaction -- that goes for most Open Source projects.
For organizations who may want to implement GovernERP, contributing can potentially save your constituents millions of dollars in two ways -- as leverage with your current or potential vendor and through savings in licensing costs.
Potential vendor organizations, folks who might have an interest in monetizing our efforts are welcome to help. The GovernERP Project has not been created for any other purpose than to create an Open Source solution for government and NGOs, so at least the founders are not doing this to get into a business for themselves. We welcome those that are interested in selling services around what is being done here.