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Welcome to the GovernERP Project

GovernERP Project - Dependencies

Projects & Technologies We Depend On

GovernERP is a Java based project. We are believers in lightweight frameworks using plain-old-java-objects (POJOs), etc. After much coding, playing and research have settled on Fuse Source implementation of ServiceMix4 as described below. Another recent change was from DOJO to GWT. Our original reservations with GWT, having to do with accessibility, were overcome with the lastest release. We are not anticipating any further major changes.

Those dependencies that are required are listed in the first category. The second category, Used, are not strictly required but represent technologies we have found useful. MySQL, in particular, should be interchangable with any major relational database.


Used -- Not required, but useful

Last Modified Jan 10, 2010 - 03:55 PM