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Welcome to the GovernERP Project

GovernERP Project - Object Oriented Design Issues

Object Oriented Design & Programming

GovernERP uses the principles of Object Oriented Design, OOD, and Object Oriented Programming, OOP, to help make our project's code base make sense to programmers new to the project and even adventuresome business analysts. Further, we want to make use of classic design patterns where they make sense.

Best practices in OOD & OOP require its practioners to use plain language terminology when naming classes, class attributes and class methods, and to do so consistently throughout the project. We hope to achieve this through forcing contributors to explain their code to the project's business analyst/end-user surrogate, John Harding. Basically, if John can understand it... 'nough said.

Since April 2008 when coding began, trying to keep things clear and understandable has resulted in some refactoring as a result of internal code review. We expect this sort of group effort to continue.

Dependency is a Good Thing

Another principle of OOD is to reuse code where possible. In other words recognise the patterns in what is being done and what will be needed so that generalization can occur leading to reusability. Along the same lines, but on a larger scale, it is good to use other projects' code and leverage the creativity and intelligence of others. We have been and continue to look at and use other open source projects where it works.

A list of GovernERP dependencies can be found here.

Last Modified Feb 22, 2009 - 09:26 PM